Jun 15, 2007

Father's Day is especially hard

The Wild Goose

by Colleen Thomas

On a clear cold night
The stars shown like diamonds
Not beautiful, but hard and cold
When I last heard the cry of the wild goose
Alone he was flying
High up in the night sky
A black shadow on the field of stars
A plaintive cry has the wild goose
A cold wind stirred
Rustled through the naked trees
I shivered with loss
Yes still came the cry of the wild goose
Over and over
Each time further away
Speeding down night’s shadow
Came the forlorn cry of the wild goose
Tears burned my eyes
A dagger of loss
Twisted inside
With each echoing call of the wild goose
Far down the valley
Beyond sight and sound
A last mournful sigh
Came a faint farewell call from the wild goose
Each night now
I go back outside
And listen with out hope
For my heart’s gone the way of the wild goose

1 comment:

Jaime Ann said...

Sorry it is hard but try to remember the great man he is and how you really are a reflection of his love.

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