Sep 28, 2007

Down for the count... week 29

Jaime was admitted on Tuesday after strong contractions started in the morning. Her Doctor has her on medicine through an IV to control them. Each of the babies are individually being monitored and everyone is doing fine. He said he would decide Monday if she can go back home or if she is in for the duration.

Off the chart contraction...

Sep 26, 2007

Another Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to one of the best Moms.
Here's to many more.
We love you...

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.
~Abraham Lincoln~

Sep 24, 2007

Mystery Solved

I found Emil's Baptismal certificate and now we know who his Godparents are:
Walter Wallen and Pauline Micken

How does the past get forgotten so easily?

Just in case...
Emil and Stefan's God parents are Mike (Emil's brother) and Nell Barycki
and Jaime's are Bob (my brother) and Diane Bardsley
mine are June (my Dad's sister) and Claude Kolb.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Aunt June and Uncle Claude at my christening 1949

Sep 19, 2007

Today is your birthday

Happy Birthday Nathan, seven years old, I can't wait for the rest of the ride.

Sep 18, 2007

Baby update / 28 weeks and counting

Just a note to update Jaime's doctor's visit yesterday. Dr Helm said the babies are doing great and Jaime is actually doing better than the average Mom carrying triplets. She continues to be very tired and uncomfortable, but this is to be expected. The kids keep growing and struggle to get comfortable with no respect for their Mom's comfort. Jaime has had a couple close calls with contractions and had to go to the hospital but the doctor has her on a medication that has helped, the goal is to make it to 32 weeks before delivery. The time is going fast.

Sep 9, 2007


Every Sunday I check the secrets at . It's an amazing collection of postcards, all anonymous, and all revealing a secret. I first learned about the book and website from a segment on GMA. I was immediately struck by the poignancy of the idea. Folks send in an illustrated postcard with a secret written on it. I often think about a secret I might send. And then I think about who might (or worse, might not) read that secret. But that's as far as I ever get.
I envy those who tell their secret and I hope that it gives them freedom and peace. I'd like that for myself. As for me, maybe my secret isn't that much of a secret. Sometimes I think that it's only a wish that will remain unfulfilled. Maybe it's just a fear? And therefore all the more hard to bear. Then I start to wonder about my Mother's secrets and wish she had shared more with me.
I don't know the answer to these questions but you should check out the website. It's a powerful place.

Sep 8, 2007

...ber months and raisens

September starts the months of ...ber and it's time to harvest the grapes, sun dry the raisens in the fields,

and transport to Emil's (son) plant for processing.

Sep 1, 2007

An afternoon on the pier

Party Girl

This girl needs a party!!!!!!

But her Doctor has ordered her to complete bed rest….
So we have postponed Jaime’s shower from September
till after the triplets arrive.
Watch for update in the mail and get ready for a shower.

Trip to the Cali Coast

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